Time lapse: Video shows how a man changes over 20 years

Watch the video: A selfie every day – how this man has changed over 20 years.

Sometimes time flies.
In the case of Noah Kalina, 20 years pass in just eight minutes.
The photographer from New York takes a selfie every day – and has been doing so since January 11, 2000.
For the 20th anniversary of the “everyday” project, he edited the self-portraits into a film.
The decisive factor for the idea is the emergence of digital photography in the 1990s.

“The first time I saw a digital camera, was 1998. I knew I had to have one because I knew it was an incredible tool for creating art. The ease and unlimited recordings were wonderful for me.” – Noah Kalina vs. stern.de

Within a few days, the video was viewed over 600,000 times on YouTube.

Numerous users commented on the remarkable time-lapse clip on social networks.

“The vast majority of the response is positive. I think it allows people to come to terms with their own mortality and how quickly life passes. I know that hundreds of people have been inspired to start their own version of the project. I think “That’s great.” – Noah Kalina vs. stern.de

Noah told Stern that he doesn’t need an alarm clock to remind him to take his daily snapshot.

He initially takes the photos at night, but now the pictures are usually taken in the late afternoon.

The current video is the third update of the project.

Noah publishes a first clip after six years – another follows after twelve and a half years.

“I never planned to stop and will continue until the day I die.” –Noah Kalina vs. stern.de

Fans of the video should mark January 11, 2030 in their calendars – that’s when the project celebrates its 30th anniversary.

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