Time Lapse Video: How a man changes over 30 years

Watch the video: A photo every day: This is how this man has changed in 30 years.

This is Cory McLeod from Great Britain – shortly after his birth in 1991.
And this is Cory 30 years later.

In between there are around 11,000 photos that Cory edited into an eight-and-a-half-minute video.

The timelapse video of its first 21 years has more than six million views on YouTube.

He owes it to his father, Ian McLeod, who has taken a picture of Cory every day since he was born. And with great passion. The stubborn dad even let Cory’s teachers take photos on school trips or would wake the little boy up at night if they forgot to take a picture that day.

“Obviously I didn’t have a choice for the first few years, but when I got into my teens it got really annoying because only he saw the vision,” Cory tells SWNS.

Ian originally wanted to make a flip book of his son’s early years. But then he continued his idea into the digital age.
When Cory finally left home to go to university and then travel, he took the reins into his own hands. He took a selfie with his cellphone every day.

Comparatively small periods of time are missing from the timelapse video: including a whole month’s worth of images that were lost when the film in Ian’s analog camera didn’t wind properly. And on another occasion, the camera and photos were stolen during a family vacation in Chile. But apart from these few days, Cory now has a memory that hardly anyone else is likely to have of himself. 30 years in eight and a half minutes.

The Business Development Manager now lives in Dubai and will have turned 30 in 2021. But only now does he publish the unique video. Cory’s plan is to continue the video project until his death. He hopes the short film will move people and inspire them to think about their lives in a different way.

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