Time change 2021: forward or back? These donkey bridges help (video)

Do you see in the video: forward or backward? With these donkey bridges at the time change you will know.

“In spring you put the garden furniture in front of the door – in winter you put it back.” With this metaphor, many people remember the direction of the time change. Because since 1980 we have asked ourselves twice a year: Do I have to set the clock forward or back?
Here are five donkey bridges, who will help you:
“Time change works like a thermometer – plus in spring and minus in winter.”
“The clock is always moving towards summer”: In spring, therefore, forwards, in autumn backwards.
In English it is called “Spring forward, fall back”. So translated: “Jump forward, fall back”. Or just: “Spring (spring) forward, autumn (fall) back”.
“Behind in winter”: And of course the other way around for spring.
“In spring you have to get up earlier and earlier”: Because the clocks are turned an hour forward, you can sleep less.

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