TikTok: Women talk about how frustrating sex often feels to them

Women report how frustrating sex can often feel for them

For many women, sex doesn’t seem like pure pleasure

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On TikTok, a user asked women how sex feels to them. The answers were partly funny, but often also terrifying – and they show where the problems lie in bed.

Sex should definitely be consensual – and the aim should be that both partners feel comfortable and get their money’s worth. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Men in particular tend to think more of themselves and show less consideration for women. This was also shown in a survey that a user made on TikTok.

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In it he asked the users on the platform: “Women, how does sex feel to you?” Some of the answers were funny – but also terrifying. Apparently, many women do not experience sexual intercourse as much as they do. On the contrary: a number of women shared rather frustrating experiences.

Sex for women: “If the beat doesn’t drop”

To make this clear, they chose comparisons that anyone can understand from other areas of life. “Do you know what it is like when you do a group work, but in the end you do all the work yourself to finish? That’s about what it feels like,” wrote one user. Another used the following comparison: “When someone scratches your back and leaves out the part that is actually itchy.”

A young woman is lying on her back in bed in a white strappy top.  She bent her bare legs

Too often men focus only on their own pleasure without paying attention to the fact that the woman climaxes too. Accordingly, many express disappointment. “It’s like waiting for the beat to finally drop and that never happens,” said one. Anyone who cannot identify with it is probably familiar with the following situation: “If you’ve been looking forward to your favorite food in the fridge all day and when you come home, someone else has already eaten it and left nothing . “

In order for sex to be enjoyable for both parties, communication is important. But under the post, women also report very seriously that men react rather gruffly when they address problems in bed. And so for many, sex is what one user puts it: “An acting career.”

Source: Owen Bouressa on TikTok


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