TikTok trend goes wrong: mother paints freckles on her face

Watch the video: Mother wants to paint artificial freckles – but that goes terribly wrong.

32-year-old Abby Grocott tries her hand at a Tiktok trend, but it goes awry.

The mother wants to make faux freckles with a brown root spray – a trend that is going viral right now.

For years, freckles were anything but a beauty ideal.

On the contrary: some women have even tried to hide the small dots with make-up.

But today freckles are very trendy.

Cosmetics brands offer their own products, such as pens to draw on the dots.

This is how Abby started trying to create natural-looking freckles on her face.

“This is the spray. I was told I can spray it on my face and it will give me natural freckles.”

Unfortunately, this attempt totally backfired.

Instead of beautiful freckles, Abby has brown spots on her face.

“I look like I got my face stuck in a chimney.”

“Well, don’t try to replicate that because obviously it’s not working.”

With a lot of make-up remover wipes, the 32-year-old manages to wash the stains off her face.

Abby can laugh about this mishap and manages to put a smile on the faces of the viewers too.

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