TikTok throttles the reach of AfD European election candidate Krah

As of: March 21, 2024 10:23 a.m

AfD politician Krah reaches hundreds of thousands of mostly young users on TikTok – with videos in which he spreads conspiracy stories. Now TikTok is taking action and restricting Krah’s reach because of rule violations.

“One in three young men has never had a girlfriend. Are you one of them? Don’t watch porn, don’t vote for the Green Party, go out for some fresh air!” The AfD politician Maximilian Krah spread this call on TikTok. With around 1.4 million views, the video is by far the most successful on his account.

For a few days now, his content has only reached a few thousand users on the platform. TikTok has actively restricted Krah’s reach and his videos are no longer recommended to users – due to repeated violations of the platform’s guidelines.

Constructed enemy images

“Krah speaks in a video about the ‘big exchange’, which is a right-wing extremist conspiracy narrative,” explains political consultant Johannes Hillje. “But there are also videos in which Krah devalues ​​homosexuals. And that was also seen as a violation by the platform of its own rules.”

Hillje has been observing for a long time what messages AfD politicians are spreading on TikTok and how they want to specifically reach very young people: “They construct images of the enemy, where young trainees are pitted against skilled workers from abroad.” It is claimed that the federal government hates young people. “On a basis, however, that is not always entirely factual.”

Network for AfD propaganda uncovered

But there is no fact check on TikTok. The company also benefits when videos are viewed or shared thousands of times. However, it emphasizes in writing: “We have strict policies for accounts belonging to a government, politician or political party. These support our commitment to free expression while preventing abuse.”

For TikTok, this also includes attempting to specifically influence the community. And that was last: At the end of 2023, according to the company, more than 30 fake accounts were deleted – a covert network that supported the AfD and disseminated topics from Russian state media. The aim was therefore to manipulate the political debate in Germany.

Von Notz calls for tougher political action

Konstantin von Notz sees this as a great danger. The digital politician and deputy parliamentary group leader of the Greens in the Bundestag is therefore calling for politicians to intervene more here – including with countermeasures: “I can also well imagine that platforms are expected – and obliged to do so – to provide a certain proportion of high-quality information transport.” This happens in other areas too. “And I believe that this should also be discussed on large platforms.”

However, the political debate in Germany has not yet gone that far. With regard to TikTok, the responsible Federal Ministry of the Interior refers, among others, to the EU Commission: It is currently conducting proceedings against the company to check whether the platform complies with the rules for the protection of young people.

The company did not say exactly when AfD politician Krah’s videos will be recommended to TikTok users again. The restriction imposed should apply for 90 days – probably until the European elections.

Jim-Bob Nickschas, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, March 21, 2024 8:32 a.m

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