TikTok: The Best Beauty Hacks

The best hacks when it comes to beauty

Beautiful and full eyebrows? No problem – according to TikTok, all you need is a little soap.

© dimid_86 / Shutterstock.com

It’s hard to believe, but socks make your hair beautiful, and hairpins can be of great help in creating an eyeliner. TikTok proves it.

Whether you love it, hate it, or don’t fully understand it, the influence of TikTok is undeniable. In recent years, this hugely popular platform has revolutionized the social media landscape and proven to be an educational treasure trove for life hacks of all kinds. From nifty cleaning tricks to viral recipes to beauty hacks – there really is a little bit of TikTok magic for everyone on the app. Here are the best beauty tips.

Soap Brows

This trick has long been used by make-up artists and thanks to TikTok we all know him now. A simple bar of soap can conjure up amazingly full, fluffy, and natural-looking brows. For the perfect result, just moisten a bar of soap with water and rub with an eyebrow brush until a paste is formed. Then the hair can easily be brushed into the desired shape.

Lipstick as blush

With lipstick you can conjure up a great blush. A good moisturizer and foundation form the ideal basis. Apply lipstick to the cheeks and blend in with a brush or sponge. So every cream rouge is superfluous.

Sock curls

Sock curls are exactly what you think of: curls that you make with socks. All you need for the perfect curls are regular socks. The longer the better. Four or five pairs should be enough for the whole head. Simply wrap a strand of hair around a sock and fix it with hair ties. Leave it on overnight and remove it the next morning. The result: beautiful, springy curls.

Eyeliner with a bobby pin

The perfect eyeliner is always a challenge. A bobby pin is the salvation! That’s a pretty simple TikTok hack. Simply paint the ends of a hairpin with eyeliner and at the end of the lash line press the small buttons of the hairpin on both sides of the corner of the eye onto the skin. A perfect template to paint in the rest of.

Tan touring

TikToker have discovered that you can contour his face with self-tanner can. This ensures a defined face in a very short time. The self-tanner is applied to the nose, forehead, cheekbones and forehead with a flat brush. Just leave it on and wash your face as usual.


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