TikTok: 17-year-old dies after deodorant challenge – father warns of dangers

deodorant challenge
17-year-old dies after TikTok challenge – father warns of the dangers

Again and again, TikTok challenges come up that can endanger the health of users

© MiS / Imago Images

In the deodorant challenge on TikTok, users try to inhale as much deodorant as possible. According to her father, a 17-year-old from Schleswig-Holstein died of it.

Keep coming up TikTok Challenges that are potentially dangerous. Physicians regularly warn against this – but there are always deaths. According to her father, a 17-year-old from Schleswig-Holstein died at the beginning of the year as a result of the so-called “Deodorant Challenge”.

The goal of the challenge is to inhale as much deodorant as possible. This can lead to unconsciousness and even heart failure or suffocation – like the girl from Scharbeutz. Her father now urgently warns of the dangers of the challenge. “Our daughter suffocated. I haven’t cried for decades. Now it keeps breaking out of me,” he told the “Bild” newspaper.

Deodorant Challenge on TikTok: Inhaling can cause suffocation

“If I can only sensitize a mother or a father to it, the step into the public has been worthwhile,” he explained. The 17-year-old had a mental disability and was in rehabilitation in North Rhine-Westphalia. She’s been spending a lot of time on social media apps during the pandemic, her father reported. The “Bild” quotes from an autopsy report, according to which the girl also told others in her facility about the challenge. But she was sad that she couldn’t film herself because she had to hand in her cell phone every evening.

The deodorant challenge has been circulating on TikTok for years – initially in a weaker form: users sprayed deodorant on their skin for as long as possible, resulting in burns and irritation. The participants have been breathing in the gas for some time. Doctors warn that the gas butane contained in deodorant can paralyze the heart muscle and respiratory center when inhaled. This can lead to acute asphyxiation and severe liver, brain or nerve damage.

Last year, the families of two US girls sued TikTok for “distributing deadly content.” The two children, aged eight and nine, died in the so-called “Blackout Challenge”, which involves holding your breath for as long as possible.

Sources: “Picture” / “pediatricians online”

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