Tidying up with the 3-second rule: Professional Organizer reveals tips

Watch the video: Muck out the closet in no time – tidying up expert shares the 3-second rule

Kayleen has been working as a professional organizer for years: On social media, she has all sorts of tips ready to help you manage the chaos in your closet and the like. One of her rules, says Kayleen, lasts just three seconds and will help you make “quick and confident decisions” when decluttering your stuff. The video went viral and has already had over 500,000 views. Kayleen uses a stack of jeans as an example. She says, “All I want from you is for you to make a decision about every couple”. And further: “Either you say yes, then keep it, or no, then it goes away. But if you hesitate for more than three seconds, you keep it automatically.” Kayleen tells the New York Post that if you feel like you’re not getting rid of enough, you can repeat the action for a second round. She continues, “This technique is about creating a positive experience and increase confidence in your decision-making.” Many of her followers report that Kayleen’s “three-second rule” has already worked successfully for them.

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