Tidying up the basement: practical tips and trends for organization

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Tidying up the basement: It’s easy with these tips

The extended lockdown can be used, for example, to tidy up the basement – we have tips and tricks

© Christin Klose / Picture Alliance

The basement is gradually overflowing and you just can’t find anything again? Use the lockdown to clean up properly. We have tips and tricks.

Anyone who has a basement, a garage or a storage room will surely be familiar with this: At the beginning, you try to keep order and not let chaos break out, but over time, that’s exactly what happens. Unnecessary things pile up and you can’t find anything again and there is no longer any real order. It’s not that difficult to keep track of things. But how can you effectively tidy up the basementwhen the chaos is already there? We have tips and tricks.

What is the best way to go about tidying up the basement?

In the face of chaos, it is usually difficult to find a start. Hence, it is important to get one yourself before cleaning up overview To provide:

  • What’s in the basement?
  • Which of them can I safely dispose of?
  • What can I give away or sell?
  • What do I really want to keep?
  • What do I need to have at hand on a regular basis?
  • What might be better kept in the apartment?

Then it means: sort by. The things that are no longer needed for everyday life, that are broken or badly preserved, should be radically sorted out and disposed of. This is usually done with a trip to the recycling center. Things that are well preserved but no longer needed should either be given away or sold. It is best to photograph things appropriately and describe them in detail. And: If you no longer need things such as baby equipment, toys or other things in the future, it is best to sell them immediately and not store them in the first place. Then there will be no chaos either.

The things that are supposed to stay now need order and one fixed placethat you should always find your way back to. This can be a labeled box or a fixed compartment in the basement shelf. To organize this properly, you should get the following items – if you don’t already have them.

Tidying up the basement: what do I need for it?

  • To keep order and create storage space is suitable Basement shelves. This means that boxes and cardboard boxes do not have to be on the floor and the space is optimally used. Best is one Heavy duty shelfthat can withstand quite a bit of weight so that books and the like can be stacked and stowed away properly.
  • It also needs Boxes or boxesto be able to stow things. Ideally, they should be made of aluminum: They are rust-free, easy to clean and do not suffer in damp rooms such as basements or garages. They are also the best way to protect things like books or folders with documents from moisture.
  • Smaller boxes, Wooden boxes and cardboard boxes made of cardboard however, are suitable for storing smaller, important items that you want to have close at hand, such as tape, screws, nails and other things. You can best place them in the basement shelf at hand height.
  • So that you know what is in which box or box, are suitable Stickers and waterproof pens for labeling.

Make an appointment to clean up the basement

And then you should get one fixed date choose where to tidy up the basement, throw away old things or offer them for sale and sort and put away things that should stay. You should really adhere to this. And in the future you will always put things back in their place. This way you can keep things tidy over the long term. For motivation, you can reward yourself after the job is done and treat yourself to something special from the sales. Or let a friend help you and reward yourself at the end with a special meal or something similar. Then the basement can be tidied up all the more motivated!

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