Thyroid: Patient unable to work due to Hashimoto

  1. 24vita
  2. Health


Of: Judith Brown

20 years after her Hashimoto’s diagnosis, a woman’s thyroid gland suddenly starts to become extremely difficult. Heart palpitations, concentration problems and high blood pressure are just a few of the symptoms.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common reason for a hypothyroidism. This is a chronic inflammation of the butterfly-shaped organ, which only allows the metabolism to function in slow motion. In Germany, an estimated four out of 1000 women and one out of 1000 men suffer from Hashimoto and more than ten percent of the population suffer from it. A person affected reports to the Berlin newspaper.

Thyroid: Hashimoto patient tells of suffering – when nothing is the way it was

An affected person reports on her ordeal as a Hashimoto patient. (Iconic image) © vonschonertagen/IMAGO

20 years ago, Ella (name changed by the editors) was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroid disease. In autoimmune disease, the body turns against its own thyroid. This can go so far that the body partially or even completely destroys the tissue. Hashimoto is treated with the drug Tyroxin, which patients have to take for the rest of their lives – even if it is Stopping the thyroid tablets makes sense in some cases. When Ella gets Hashimoto’s diagnosis, she feels healthy and fit, but her thyroid gland has already shrunk a lot because the chronic inflammation probably went undetected for years.

Up to the age of 40, despite the autoimmune disease, the affected person has no physical or psychological complaints, apart from occasional heart problems. “Sometimes it seemed to her that she Heart stumbles or pauses briefly. All visits to cardiologists were uneventful; her heart is considered healthy,” says the Berlin newspaper. That all changes, however, when her body suddenly starts to go haywire. Ella, for example, gets more and more heart palpitations and therefore regularly ends up in the emergency room. In addition, she suffers from life-threatening high blood pressure. Despite several body and blood tests, the doctors don’t know what to do and switch to beta blockers and blood pressure medication. From then on, her ordeal begins.

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Hashimoto: Thyroid disease renders those affected unable to work

Since the thyroid is not only responsible for the metabolism, but also supplies central organs, serious thyroid problems can affect the heart and brain, for example. These two organs are now also giving Ella a hard time. In addition to problems with blood pressure, she also struggles with constant dizziness, concentration problems and states of confusion. However, the doctors do not know what to do. Neurologists, cardiologists, psychologists, endocrinologists, nuclear medicine specialists, kidney and adrenal gland specialists and various internists always find slightly abnormal blood values ​​in a different area. However, these never point to a specific clinical picture. Ella’s thyroid values ​​alone are striking.

When a doctor recommended that she stop taking thyroid medication, she suddenly felt better than before. Before that, she showed typical signs of an overdose: she became aggressive more easily due to taking the thyroid hormone and the resulting faster working metabolism and had to drink a lot throughout the day. Three weeks later, another doctor found her TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level was 150. A normal value, on the other hand, is between 0.5 and 2.5 and she was dangerously hypoactive. After taking the hormone again, she feels better.

However, she is repeatedly exposed to fluctuations in her TSH value. He can even change in a day, although doctors tell her it can’t be and they’ve never seen it like that before. Now, however, she no longer seems to be able to take her thyroid pills, although she urgently needs them. “Ella started sweating more and more during her walks, her heart developed symptoms, albeit different than before, and her brain suddenly became so foggy that she couldn’t continue walking normally – and had to sneak home very slowly to lie down,” says the Berlin newspaper. Due to the complaints, however, Ella cannot work. However, she cannot live without her medication either, although she develops life-threatening symptoms with thyroxine. After the long medical odyssey, the patient is still stuck in a misery from which no one has been able to help her. She may not be alone in this fate.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

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