Three police officers under investigation for beatings and racist insults

The prosecution of Senlis, in the Oise, opened an investigation, entrusted to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), after the complaint of a young man for blows and racist insults during his arrest, has we learned on Friday from judicial and police sources.

“Three police officers from the Creil police station are targeted” by this investigation by the IGPN, the public prosecutor of Senlis Jean-Baptiste Bladier told AFP, confirming information from the Parisian. “The versions of the plaintiff and the officials are obviously in opposition,” added the magistrate.

“When things are going well, there is rarely any use of force”

On the night of March 12, following a “refusal to comply”, this young man was “brought to the ground and wounded in the shoulder” by the police officers of the BAC, according to the departmental director of security public Eric Heip. “Completely normally, the prosecutor seized the IGPN to determine if these gestures constitute violence” he added. “If it hadn’t been for this crime [conduite sans permis] and this desire to get out of control, it would have happened more easily”, notes Eric Heip, believing that “when things are going well, force is rarely used”.

The young man, a 22-year-old student according to The Parisian, told the newspaper that he continued on his way for 3 km after seeing the flashing lights of the police car behind him, but then got out of his vehicle with his hands raised. His phone would then have fallen from his pocket and the police, believing in a throwing object, would have knocked him down and hit him, he reports. A policeman also allegedly called him a “dirty bicot”. Following his shoulder injury, he was notified of a fifteen-day ITT, still according to The Parisian.

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