Three new filter bubbles: This is how WhatsApp wants to bring order to the chats

The messenger WhatsApp is introducing new chat filters. They are intended to provide greater clarity and reduce the scrolling effort for users. As announced on the company’s blogthese should be available to all users worldwide in the coming weeks.


The new filters in WhatsApp

This is what the new filters in WhatsApp should look like

(Image: WhatsApp)

There are three filters to choose from in the Chats tab, which can be selected by tapping. In addition to the option to display all messages, you can select to display only those chats that contain unread messages. In addition to those that have not yet been opened, unread messages also include those that have been marked as unread by the user so that they can be answered later. There was already a filter for unread messages. As a tappable bubble, the new one is easier to switch on and centrally accessible.

If you want to have your group chats at a glance, you will also find a separate filter for this. According to WhatsApp, this filter bubble in particular was expressed as a wish by many users. Conversely, it is not yet possible to hide group chats using filters.

But the three filters are probably just the beginning. WhatsApp announces that it is working on further options. During the beta phase in December 2023, for example, there was also a bubble for contacts to hide messages that reached you from users who are not in your own phone book. However, this is not available in the final version presented now and may follow later.


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