three high school students in police custody after the assault of a school

Even if the circumstances are still unclear, the investigation for violence in a school in Seine-et-Marne, entrusted to the police station of Melun, is progressing. Three high school students were taken into custody on Monday in connection with the viral video of the assault of a teacher, violently thrown to the ground on Friday by a student, reported the Melun prosecutor’s office.

Three young people from the Jacques-Prévert vocational school in Combs-la-Ville, “the one we see on the video and two who filmed”, have been in custody since Monday afternoon, said the prosecutor of Melun Béatrice Angelelli , confirming information from M6. The main suspect is an adult, the other two minors.

” Do not touch me “

Posted to social media and viewed more than 1.6 million times on Monday, the video shows a high school student standing in the classroom, earphones on, a chin mask and a casual attitude towards his teacher. “Stand aside, ma’am,” the student says to the teacher who steps back to the front door of the classroom, telling her to “stay there”. The high school student continues, more vehemently: “Hey the Koran, push yourself madam, wallah push yourself right away”. ” You are at school. Hey, don’t touch me, ”the teacher replies. The high school student then violently opens the door, throwing the teacher to the ground.

Following a complaint from the teacher, the Melun prosecutor’s office on Monday opened an investigation for violence with aggravating circumstances, because committed against a teacher and in a school establishment. Contacted, the rectorate of the academy of Créteil did not specify on Monday the circumstances of the incident. Saturday, he said in a statement that “the student (was) subject to a measure of prohibition of access to the establishment as a precaution and is exposed to heavy disciplinary sanctions. A disciplinary council will be convened ”.

Pécresse and Bertrand react

The dissemination of the images prompted the reaction of two right-wing presidential candidates. “A teacher from Seine-et-Marne thrown to the ground by a pupil who quotes the Koran under the sly gaze of comrades who film the scene. Unacceptable! I will put an end to this shocking Inversion of Values. I will restore respect for the professor! “, Wrote the president of the Ile-de-France region Valérie Pécresse on Twitter. “Insults, threats, physical violence: the assault in #CombsLaVille is not an isolated incident, it is the daily reality in far too many of our high schools. Like the police and mayors, I want to protect teachers by making the school a sanctuary, ”Xavier Bertrand also reacted on Twitter.

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