Three brothers arrested on suspicion of massive cocaine trafficking

They are suspected of being at the heart of “a vast traffic supplying drug dealers” in the Bottière district and in the city center. Thursday, in Nantes, three brothers aged 22 to 31 were arrested at their home, police reports. The unit for the fight against narcotics and the underground economy of the departmental security had been on the trail of these three men, well known to the services, for several weeks.

An intervention was decided when “large quantities of cocaine olives (pure drug) were about to arrive” in their apartments in Bottière.

Money and drugs seized

On site, more than 10,000 euros were discovered. There were also on the scene “a cocaine press which contained precisely a loaf of cocaine”, “a handgun”, “a money counter” as well as “600 grams of pure cocaine packaged”, details the police.

The three suspects were taken into custody. The investigation continues “to determine the responsibilities of each in this affair”.

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