Threatened with death, the PSG coach and his family placed under protection

After his phone number leaked on social networks, Christophe Galtier received thousands of often hateful calls, even death threats. According RMC Sports And The Parisianthe PSG coach and his family were placed under protection on Wednesday, at the initiative of the Parisian club.

The technician has been in turmoil since Tuesday evening and the revelation of a letter written by Julien Fournier, the former director of football for OGC Nice, where the technician played until last season. According to this document, Galtier would have asked him to “take into account the reality of the city of Nice and that we could not have as many blacks and Muslims in the team”.

A very short press release from OGC Nice

Fournier denied being at the origin of the leak of this email, without denying its existence, near nice morning. In a press release sent to AFP, Me Olivier Martin, Christophe Galtier’s lawyer, contested “with the greatest firmness” “offensive and defamatory remarks” reported and that “legal proceedings” were envisaged.

The Nice club reacted in a very short press release: “The facts related concern two people no longer working for OGC Nice. This situation was treated with the utmost seriousness at the time of the events. The club will not comment further. »

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