Thousands of people march against vaccination and the health pass

“No to the health pass, stop the dictatorship”, “Liberty”, “Macron dictator” … It is with these slogans that several thousand people, in at least three rallies, demonstrated this Saturday afternoon in Paris against vaccination against Covid-19 and the health pass extended by the government. The first procession started from the Palais-Royal before crossing the Seine. At the head of the procession, where the French flags flourished, were the former number 2 of the National Front Florian Philippot, the former LREM deputy covidosceptic Martine Wonner, the singer Francis Lalanne or the former muse “yellow vests” Jacline Mouraud .

“I was born in Portugal under the dictatorship of Salazar, I don’t want us to relive that”, said Fernanda, 53, support of Florian Philippot. “This is the beginning of something extremely strong in the resistance,” said the latter, now a candidate for the 2022 presidential election, and who is trying to embody the structuring of the anti-health pass. A few leaflets diverting the yellow star with the mention “sanitary pass” were visible.

“An unprecedented abuse of power”, according to Dupont-Aignan

Before the demonstration, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, president of Debout la France, held a press conference in front of the Constitutional Council. He denounced an “unprecedented abuse of power” and a “health coup”, after the announcements of Emmanuel Macron. With the health pass in everyday life, it is according to him the “beginning of a gear towards a dictatorship”.

At the same time, around 1,500 people demonstrated in the streets of the south of the capital, in a disparate procession, preceded by a police cordon. Leaving around 2:30 p.m. from the 14th arrondissement, the procession headed for the Jussieu district, accompanied by banners like “wanted French Democratic Republic, disappeared on July 12, 2021”. “We are there for the demands of the” yellow vests “and the restrictions on freedoms. It is not one more freedom-killing law that makes us go out into the street. We have always been in the street ”, declared the“ yellow vest ”Jérôme Rodrigues. “We are not anti-vaccines at all. We just want everyone to have the freedom to be vaccinated or not. PCR tests may be sufficient and then they must be left free, ”launched Aurélie and Tiphaine, in their thirties, both employed in a shopping center in the Paris region.

Finally, a few dozen people took part in another unauthorized gathering on Place de la République.

Other cities concerned

Demonstrations are taking place in many other cities in France. Some 400 people marched in the morning in Quimper, 1,200 in Perpignan, 1,700 in Clermont-Ferrand, 2,300 in Valence (Drôme). In Dijon, the police used tear gas and the circulation of trams was briefly interrupted by demonstrators chanting “Freedom! Freedom ! “.

Parades are announced in other cities in the afternoon, such as Montpellier or Lyon.

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