Thousands of people at the funeral of the separatist in Cargèse

The wind flaps the Corsican flag hanging from the olive tree in the church square, above a compact mass, all dressed in black. In this dense crowd under the spring sun, Yvan Colonna’s coffin makes its way to the sound of Corsican polyphonies. Since this Friday noon, the village of Cargèse, cradle of the family of the separatist condemned in the assassination of the prefect Erignac in Ajaccio, is completely at a standstill. The facades of the streets are covered with tags to the glory of the most famous shepherd of the town, and the famous flag with the head of Moor.

The body of the Corsican separatist is carried by half a dozen men, overhung by “banderas”, the other name for Corsican flags, but also Sardinian and even Breton flags. In the surroundings, no trade, or almost, is still open. No one here considered not going to the funeral of the country’s child, who died on Monday after being violently attacked in prison.

No assistance to the person in danger

In this crowd are scattered relatives of the activist, like this Ajaccien who will not say his name. “My niece is married to Yvan Colonna’s nephew,” he explains. It’s very hard, the circumstances in which he died. Of course, we have to let the investigation take place. But people wonder. It’s fine to have put fifty cameras. We can’t let anyone go through those eight minutes of hell! There was on the part of the prison staff non-assistance to anyone in danger! »

“You know, Yvan, this gentleman, he was like a brother to me, breathes Sandrine. He has helped my family a lot, especially my brother in the past. This gentleman has been convicted. Certainly. But whether it was deserved or not, he did not deserve to return to these lands in these conditions, between four boards. In prison, you’re still supposed to be safe. »

“It would be horrible to let Yvan go without avenging him”

In addition to the family, local nationalist figures made the trip, like Gilles Simeoni, the autonomist president of the Executive Council, Jean-Guy Talamoni, the former independence president of the assembly of Corsica, or even Charles Pieri , presumed former leader of the National Liberation Front of Corsica (FLNC), a movement which recently threatened to resume armed struggle. As if to better signify all the symbolism that today surrounds Yvan Colonna and his death, in a Corsica where the demands for autonomy are increasingly strong. And it is perhaps even this symbolism that prompted the majority of the 3,000 people present to make the journey to this small village which usually has 1,300 inhabitants. Marie-Dominique, who came from L’Île-Rousse, three hours away, even took her day off to attend the event.

“Corsica is a big family,” she explains. We all stick together. Yvan is a member of the family. I came to demonstrate the support of the Corsican people in the face of this injustice, this act of barbarism. He was cowardly and savagely attacked. There are no words. There are only evils. “The one who does not hide having demonstrated in recent days launches, as a warning:” For the moment, it is the time of mourning. But after that it will be hot. It would be horrible to let Yvan go without avenging him. The state is responsible for what happened. »

“You sing war songs in front of a grave”

After a mass entirely in Corsican, the coffin leaves on the steps of the church, the time of a long silent procession. After having traveled several kilometers along the long road that runs along the sea, followed by thousands of people who came to attend the funeral, some draped in banderas, the remains of Yvan Colonna are laid in front of the richly flowered family vault, in a space outside away from the main road. “The family enters, and you can then collect your thoughts near the coffin”, we say to the direction of the hundreds of people present.

Raising high the portrait of the militant, the relatives of Yvan Colonna begin Corsican songs which speak of freedom and independence. “You sing war songs in front of a grave!” », annoys a man, brandishing in his hand the bouquet of wild flowers he has just picked. “These are songs that Yvan loved! “retorts a member of the Colonna family, annoyed. The last song came, a wave of applause ran through the large crowd. A few fists rise, in cascade, towards the sky. We are miles from the olive tree, the tree in the church square. The tree of peace, too.

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