Thousands of demonstrators in the streets against Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies

Several thousand Israelis demonstrated on Monday against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu over its conduct of the war in Gaza. The demonstrators also criticize him for his inability to negotiate the release of dozens of hostages still held in the Palestinian territory.

They went to Jerusalem in front of the Parliament and the residence of Benjamin Netanyahu, calling in particular for early elections. Similar movements have been bringing together tens of thousands of people in Tel Aviv for several weeks. “Every action he does is towards the destruction of Israel. He is responsible for what happened on October 7,” accused Moshe Sandarovich, 73, a retired engineer.

” All ! NOW ! »

During the demonstration, opponents of the Prime Minister carried signs demanding new elections and calling for a ceasefire so that the last hostages could return home. ” All ! NOW ! “, they also chanted, before observing a minute of silence for those still held in the Palestinian territory.

Some protesters wore t-shirts emblazoned with slogans such as “Stop the war” and “We are all equal.” “After 75 years of this country’s existence and eight months of war, the gap is not even. This needs to change,” said Kfir Roffe, a 50-year-old protester. “We must be equal, Muslims, Christians, all the inhabitants of Israel must come together,” he said.

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