Thousands of community clinicians demonstrate for more money

As of: 05/09/2023 5:01 p.m

In the collective bargaining dispute at municipal clinics, thousands of doctors nationwide went on warning strikes. At rallies, they underlined their demand for a 2.5 percent increase in wages. Many clinics ran in emergency mode.

Several thousand doctors from community hospitals have demonstrated nationwide for higher wages and better working conditions. The doctors’ union Marburger Bund had called for the warning strikes.

According to the doctors’ union in Frankfurt am Main, around 5,000 doctors from several federal states gathered at the central strike rally. The police spoke of 3500 to 4000 participants.

In the collective bargaining dispute over more money, the Marburger Bund is increasing the pressure. An emergency supply is guaranteed.

Numerous participants in several federal states

In addition, according to the Marburger Bund, more than 1000 doctors followed the call in numerous countries, such as in North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg.

In Hamburg, 1,500 doctors gathered in front of the Dammtor station. They underlined their demands with posters. “Competence does not come for free,” said one of the signs.

Fewer physicians, a total of about 600, participated in Lower Saxony. In Saxony, on the other hand, only “a few doctors” took part in the strike, according to a spokeswoman for the Marburg Association.

In order to ensure medical care, agreements for emergency services were made with the hospitals in advance. In Hamburg, non-urgent operations were also postponed.

Marburger Bund demands 2.5 percent more salary

The doctors’ union had called for the walkouts in the course of the wage dispute with the Association of Municipal Employers (VKA). This is intended to increase the pressure on employers after four rounds of negotiations so far without a result.

Nationwide, the Marburger Bund is demanding inflation compensation from employers for doctors at municipal clinics and a uniform salary increase of 2.5 percent. Both are to be implemented retrospectively for January 1, 2023. According to the Marburger Bund, around 55,000 doctors are being negotiated nationwide. Employers speak of around 60,000 people affected.

The VKA criticized the strike yesterday in a statement as “completely unfounded” and “disproportionate”. On May 22, the Marburger Bund and the VKA want to meet for the fifth round of negotiations.

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