Thousands demonstrate against high rents in Berlin

Protests on Saturday

Thousands demonstrate against high rents in Berlin


Video: rbb | 24 | 09/11/2021 | Material: evening show, ARD news | Image: rbb

Hardly affordable living space, rising rents: the tense housing market drove thousands onto the streets again on Saturday. This is intended to increase the pressure on the issue before the elections to the Bundestag and the House of Representatives.

Thousands of people demonstrated in Berlin on Saturday for a different housing and rent policy. According to the police, more than 7,000 people took to the streets against “rent madness”, reports the EPD news agency. An action alliance called for a change in policy for affordable housing. Among other things, a nationwide rent cap was demanded on banners.

The Berlin initiative “Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen Co.” also took part in the demonstration with their own cars and costumes. On September 26, Berliners will not only be called to vote for the Bundestag and the House of Representatives. You can also vote on the referendum of the expropriation initiative. She calls for the socialization of large private housing associations.

“Tanzdemo” joins the rent protest

From Alexanderplatz into the rain

Tenants’ Association and DGB have called for protest

Route of the rental demonstration (source: rbb24)

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