Thore Schölermann: This is how his life with a child changed

Actor Thore Schölermann (37) has recently become a new father. In the interview he talks about his new life with a child.

Thore Schölermann (37) is an actor, moderator – and recently also a new father. At the “Initiative Milch” event, he talks about healthy nutrition, his commitment to sustainability and how his life has changed since the birth of his daughter with fellow actress Jana Kilka (34) at the end of 2021. He also reveals how he reconciles job and family and what the fans can expect in the new season of “The Voice of Germany”.

Mr. Schölermann, today’s “Initiative Milch” event is all about healthy, balanced nutrition. What do you pay particular attention to yourself?

Thore Schölermann: I’m basically a connoisseur and when in doubt, enjoyment comes before counting calories. But I totally listen to my body instead of supposedly healthy trends: food has to make me happy and satisfied. When I’m happy, my body is happy too.

You have been committed to sustainability for many years. How important is environmental awareness in nutrition to you? What are you doing for it?

Schölermann: I eat very consciously and shop consciously. Pay attention to a short supply chain, little packaging, buy seasonal products and, above all, pay attention to animal welfare – also and especially with dairy products. Many have forgotten the awareness of consumption. If you eat a sausage, you kill animals, if you buy a wooden shelf, you cut down a tree. That’s basically the way things go, you just have to be aware of it, so you don’t waste anything. Throwing away food is a no-go for us! We buy in moderation and not in bulk.

Has your view of it changed since you became a father a few months ago?

Schölermann: With the birth of our daughter, we became even more aware of the responsibility that we have to take better care of this planet.

What do you want to emphasize when it comes to nutrition when raising your daughter?

Schölermann: That remains to be seen. We will try to be good role models. My parents taught me values ​​and manners that have stayed with me throughout my life. I am very grateful for that.

What has changed at home since your daughter was born?

Schölermann: There is finally life in the house and everything makes sense. The feeling of living in a shared apartment for three is still sometimes unreal, but definitely the nicest shared apartment I have ever lived in!

Are you or your wife Jana often in the kitchen?

Schölermann: In the first few weeks, I clearly and happily took on the role of house husband. The fact that I cook is nothing new anyway, but I’ve become faster and more efficient because I still do laundry in between.

What is the division of labor like for you?

Schölermann: We don’t have a classic division of labor. We have found a good work-life-child balance and are completely immersed in our role as parents without forgetting each other as a couple. This is very important for all parties. Happy parents, happy children!

How do you balance family and job?

Schölermann: We had a lot of respect for that and that’s probably why we waited so long to have children. We wanted to do it all ourselves, without a nanny and the like. My management has a lot to do with scheduling my appointments so that I’m always home regularly. Jana is also able to work again. We have a recording studio at home so that she can work as a speaker in the home office.

Speaking of jobs: In the twelfth season of “The Voice of Germany” you are on stage with Melissa Khalaj as a moderation duo. Why are you the perfect team?

Schölermann: We understand each other blindly and we have fun on the set. Our dogs also get along great.

What will you miss about Lena Gercke?

Schölermann: Lena’s fashionable advice and tips on baby equipment are now only available via WhatsApp. Even if we are no longer colleagues at Voice, I’m sure that we’ll be on stage together again at some point.

How do you prepare for the “The Voice” moderation and when does the shooting start?

Schölermann: We start the new season of The Voice in May and to be honest, after more than ten years I don’t have to prepare anymore. I read a lot about our talents and I’m really excited to get to know them live. This year I have to remember 3 new names for the coaches.

This time, three new coaches are sitting on the red chairs. Who would be a dream coach for you?

Schölermann: I wish I had a music legend like Grönemeyer, Maffay, Lindenberg or Westernhagen.

You’ve been with us since 2012. How has the work changed over the years?

Schölermann: It’s still an absolute dream job for me and doesn’t feel like work, but like a big party with damn good music.

You are currently in front of the camera for “The Voice Kids”. What is special about working with the children and could your daughter take part in the format?

Schölermann: That’s a question I’ve been asking myself for years, before I was a father. And funnily enough, that was always my aim: to do a show that I would send my own child to with a clear conscience. With a clear conscience I can answer this question with yes and I am very proud of the show and our team.

Could you imagine being in front of the camera again as an actor?

Schölermann: I prefer to leave the acting to the actors. I’m really out of practice, but if Hollywood knocks, I’ll just take acting classes again. You never stop learning!


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