Thomasson already makes an appointment with OM

While waiting for the result of OM, which could be in difficulty in Lyon on Sunday (8:45 p.m.), Lens put pressure on the Marseille club which it will host on the 34th day, in a clash which could be decisive for second place. of the French championship, behind PSG.

Racing Club de Lens struck a blow by crushing AS Monaco (3-0), a rival for second place that Olympique de Marseille is also eyeing in order to compete in the Champions League alongside PSG next season. . If they had not been able to fight on equal terms against the capital club last Saturday, due to the premature expulsion of midfielder Abdul Samed (19th), the Lensois made a strong impression this Saturday at home, where they outclassed Monegasques suffocated by the enthusiasm of Franck Haise’s players.

Seko Fofana: “Put this intensity until the end of the season”

“I think we really had a big game, we were even a little disappointed by the score at half-time, smiled Adrien Thomasson, 3rd scorer, at the microphone of Canal +. Because I think we would have deserved to score one more goal. We remained serious despite everything in the second half, even if we conceded a few situations. But I think that on the whole match we fully deserve our victory.”

“I think it’s a reference match, we did everything we had to until the end, we pressed, they didn’t have time to breathe, rejoiced captain Seko Fofana, still with our colleagues from Canal +. Last week’s match (1-3 defeat against PSG) helped us, we saw that at 10 against 11 we could put some intensity. Today, it was easier We are carried away by our public, we will put this intensity until the end of the season.”

Lens could keep up to two points ahead of OM if Marseille were to fall at the end of the 32nd day against OL. The Lensois would then still have a challenge to take up against Toulouse, before a final big meeting this season at Bollaert, against OM (note, there are still four Ligue 1 days left to play). A shock that could allow the Sang et Or to widen a decisive gap on the main competitor for direct qualification in C1.

“We know that at home, against Marseille (Saturday, May 6), with the support of the public… we are aware that we can do good things”, estimates Adrien Thomasson. In a stadium in fusion, Lens has in all case showed that the fortress of Bollaert was difficult to take.

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