“This year, no foie gras or salmon…” Our readers are revising their budget for Christmas downwards

A frugal Christmas. The galloping inflation affecting our economy will affect our readers’ end-of-year celebrations. All, or almost, say they have reduced their budget for Christmas gifts. The first item of expenditure is obviously gifts. In October, Michel-Edouard Leclerc already warned: “It will cost more to offer toys to your children. So how do you please without hurting yourself? “For the children’s gifts, I will try to make as many second-hand purchases as possible”, announces Sabrina, who foresees that her budget “will be divided by 2 or 3”. Vanessa, she decided, with her husband, “to only offer gifts to our 11-year-old daughter. “With 7 small children to spoil, Yveline will offer the elders” an envelope of 30 euros, and for the three youngest, toys purchased from associations. »

Liliane turned to garage sales for her six children: “For this year, with two gifts each, we have them for 48 euros. For adults, it’s “no more than 20 euros each.” Last year it was 30 euros, but given the price of food, we reduced. “She won’t have to offer any to her sisters, “they live too far away and gasoline is much too expensive. On Wednesday, the state reduced its aid aimed at limiting the cost of fuel, reducing it from 30 cents per liter to 10. So inevitably, Stéphane is worried “in terms of travel”, according to him, the drop in aid will “explode the price of the full”.

Beef instead of turkey

Before giving each other gifts – or after, it depends – you have to sit down to eat. And there too, the bill can quickly be salty: the price of foie gras has, for example, increased (50 cents more for 40 grams) under the effect of the avian flu epidemic, according to the Cifog. That’s why there won’t be any on Liliane’s table, “neither salmon nor shells. Too expensive ! “No poultry, but” quality beef “, just like Yveline which provides a” prime rib, potatoes and beans. She bought her log “in a discount store”, like Sabrina who will shop “at hard discounters”.

Aude, on the other hand, has an ace up her sleeve: “I’m going to take part in a goose slaughter, help prepare them, and come away with one for the main course. “A tip, Nicolas has one too: “My wife and I buy all the gifts from September-October, when there are good promotions on the big sales sites. For this year, it’s too late.

Whatever the gifts under the tree or the dishes at the table, many of our readers remind us: the important thing is “to get together, together, and have a great time”.

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