“This tramp, he never gives me the pass”, Mbappé and Neymar spoke to each other

An already forgotten confusion or a lasting discomfort? According to’Team, Neymar and Mbappé did not want to let the situation rot and spoke directly this Sunday after Mbappé’s sulky exit on Saturday against Montpellier. Considering himself “forgotten” by his Brazilian friend on several occasions in the field,
the French had criticized him openly on the bench, words “captured” by the camera of Canal +: “This tramp, he never gives me the pass.”

The daily reveals that the two stars were seen joking together during training this Sunday, even if the closeness between Neymar and Mbappé is not what it was in recent years. In question, the desires of departure of the world champion, that the Brazilian did not always understand well, which amounts to not giving a damn about the world when we remember the forcing of Neymar to leave two summers ago.

For his part, Mbappé, suffers a little from the new geography of the locker room, much more Latin American, and a sporting center of gravity which would leave him a little on the sidelines of the duo formed by Messi and Ney on the field. In short, ego problems which should make Mauricio Pochettino happy on a daily basis.

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