This is what the future Grande rue Saint-Michel will look like

Since last March, part of the Main street Saint-Michel, one of the central traffic axes to enter Toulouse, has become one-way for cars. An experiment that will continue in the future and even intensify since the bus lane, which linked Place Lafourcade to the Saint-Agne district, will disappear in favor of cycle paths and flowerbeds and shrubs.

“All the inhabitants have asked for maximum revegetation, so we are obliged to recover this lane. We are going to plant 70 large trees on this artery and de-waterproof more than 1,000 m2 of surface area, ”says Jonnhy Dunal, the district mayor, who indicates that the preparatory work will begin next spring, to get back into action the following year.

If during the test phase, car traffic fell by only 10% in the area, that of bicycles increased by 40%. So that they can ride in complete safety, a developed and secure lane, the first act of the future express bike network (REV), will be developed on each side of the central traffic lane. They will be separated from the flow of cars by a buffer zone where parking spaces, street furniture and a wooded area will alternate. A cycle artery that will eventually continue on the avenue de l’URSS, instead of the parking spaces that line the road today.

To recreate mini-squares on the Grande rue Saint-Michel, to the right of the Cratère cinema and the Saint-Michel prison, whose conversion is currently under study, peaceful areas will be created. All these developments, for a budget of 8 million euros, remain subject to public consultation until next April when the construction schedule will be approved, with a view to delivery during the summer. 2025.

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