This is how RTL presenter Peter Kloeppel motivates himself to run

Peter Kloeppel: This is how he motivates himself to run

RTL presenter Peter Kloeppel is an avid runner. If his schedule allows, he walks along the Rhine during his lunch break. Most of the time he goes undetected. Photos of him running are a rarity.

© Christian Charisius/dpa

Most people know Peter Kloeppel as the popular moderator of the news program “RTL Aktuell”. In his spare time he is an avid runner. We talked to him about how he beats his weaker self and how he relaxes while running.

Listen to the podcast here or directly at AudioNow, Spotify, iTunes and other podcast providers.

The title of our podcast was deliberately chosen: It’s running. He runs. The difference may sound small, but it is important. That’s why the first question in the conversation with RTL presenter Peter Kloeppel was clear early on: “Are you a runner or a racer?” He didn’t have to think long for his answer. “I’m a jogger,” he said quickly – and smiled relaxed.

Peter Kloeppel warms up

A few years ago Peter Kloeppel started at the Cologne Marathon. Today he does without such long-distance runs.

© Jörg Carstensen/ / Picture Alliance

Peter Kloeppel likes to run, now mainly to have fun and to do something for his health. But he also ran marathons. In 2003 in Cologne, for example, but he was also at the start of the legendary run in New York. For the new episode of our podcast “She runs. He runs” I met him for an interview in Cologne. His acceptance of the meeting came quickly – probably also because he likes to talk about the topic.

When it comes to running, Kloeppel gets enthusiastic

He’s very enthusiastic about running – that’s clear after just a few sentences. When he talks about his runs, he really gets into raptures. For a few years now, Kloeppel’s training hasn’t been about speed or records. Above all, the busy moderator, who is currently celebrating his 30th anniversary at RTL, wants to do something for his health through training. Whenever he can, he runs along the banks of the Rhine in Cologne during his lunch break. He says: “For me, jogging is an hour to be myself.” He also complements the training strength exercises – mostly with their own weight.

stern editor Alexandra Kraft and Peter Kloeppel

Alexandra Kraft and Peter Kloeppel met for an interview at the RTL broadcast center in Cologne.

© Alexandra Kraft

If you want to know why the presenter doesn’t want to run a marathon anymore, when he likes to run and what he thinks about during training, then you should definitely listen to the new episode of “She runs. He runs”. There is a detailed conversation with Peter Kloeppel about his enthusiasm for running.

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