This is how recruiting via social media works – economy


Saskia Aleythe, Flintbek

When the colleagues leave for the customers with their cars full of tools, Tim Heidenreich quickly follows them. Smartphone in hand, video mode on, there are only small scenes in the parking lot that he collects for later. It’s just after seven o’clock this morning, others should see that too, as everyone at the Dau plumbing and heating company is already on the move and in great spirits. Heidenreich himself initially had concerns about how his work would be received here in Flintbek near Kiel. Suddenly a 25-year-old runs across the yard with a mobile phone in his hand and films the old craftsmen? “My father also comes from that area, he said: Tim, I think I would have punched you in the face first, said in good German. But it didn’t happen.”

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