This is how it really works in the job center – economy

Georg Kömpel deals with real hardship every day, but also with cases of doubt and lame excuses. How does he deal with it? What is he allowed to do, what must he do? Two days in the life of a government employment agency.


Roland Preuss, Offenbach

At half past seven in the morning, Georg Kömpel still seems confident. He invited seven people for today. Kömpel, 58, high forehead, mischievous smile, sits down at his two screens, clicks on the cases, gathers ideas about what he wants to ask the unemployed. What the next steps might be to get her back into a job. Data and documents flicker in front of him, on the left a table, plastic plate with a wood look, visitors can sit down at a corona-compatible distance. His mobile phone on the right, all office calls are automatically forwarded. The new life in work should not fail because the supervisor in the job center is just getting a coffee.

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