This helmet for bicycle and scooter passes the large gear to ensure your safety

Ride safe! With the increase in cycling for two years (the market jumped 25% in 2020, according to the
Union Sport & Cycle, which represents the cycling industry in France), the number of accidents has mechanically increased.

In Paris alone, the Prefecture of Police estimated it to increase by + 35.1% in 2020! Good two-wheeler practice does not avoid risks and proper protection when pedaling (or using a scooter) is more essential than ever. Good to report too. Helmet
Matrix of the start-up Lumos not only protects the cyclist’s head, but also offers him various possibilities to signal himself to vehicles (and pedestrians), in front of him and behind him.

The Matrix urban protective helmet from the start-up Lumos. – LUMOS

Almost 100 LEDs to signal themselves

“Matrix is ​​the culmination of a first crowdfunding five years ago on
Kickstarter, where the founder of Lumos collected $ 800,000 in record time, ”explains Athénaïs De Limè. The young woman distributes the Matrix headset in France through her company
BeMojoo. If it has little in common with the cult film of the Wachowski, The Matrix nevertheless propels the cyclist into a new dimension.

Barely heavier than an ordinary helmet (587 grams, which remains very bearable), the equipment incorporates a light strip of 22 LEDs at the front. At the rear, it is squarely a panel of 77 colored LEDs that is displayed. Matrix is ​​supplied with a Bluetooth remote control that can be easily attached to the handlebars of its mount using two rubber bands. It has two buttons: “R” for Right / Droite; “L”, for Left / Gauche.

The Matrix helmet also allows visibility to the front.
The Matrix helmet also allows visibility to the front. – LUMOS

By activating one or the other button depending on the direction you want to take, the front LEDs flash orange on the side where the cyclist is about to turn. At the rear, a large luminous arrow immediately sweeps across the surface of the helmet, indicating the upcoming change of direction. “The helmet is the cyclist’s highest point. When the motorist is in his car, he can distinguish it at eye level and this brings very high visibility from behind and in front, in the rearview mirror ”, explains Athénaïs De Limè.

Twenty-six light animations to be seen

But Matrix goes further. In addition to the change of direction, the helmet offers a permanent display. While its front LED strip serves as a low beam by staying constantly lit in white, its rear LED panel allows for other types of displays. They are selected from among the twenty-six offered in the application. At the end of the day, there are so many possibilities to signal yourself to the vehicles following you.

In the application, a bank of twenty-six animations to display.
In the application, a bank of twenty-six animations to display. – CHRISTOPHE SEFRIN / 20 MINUTES

For the most part, these are flashing or scrolling patterns on the back surface of the helmet. But there is also a yellow Packman swallowing red dots, sparkling lightning, a pink heart which swells and whose color we can change… More news: Santa’s hat, a tree or even the expression “Ho , Ho ”. It’s a gift.

If all of this offers good visibility day and night as we saw during our test, is it legal, however? “If the Highway Code was not designed for displays of this type elsewhere than on the vehicle, the helmet respects the authorized color codes. For its part, the screen aspect is not mentioned in the Highway Code ”, specifies the distributor of the helmet in France. Note that it is possible to program six different displays that can be activated without going through the application from a button on one of the helmet mounting straps.

Up to ten hours of battery life

Recharging with a USB cable with a proprietary plug, the equipment offers an autonomy of 4 to 10 hours depending on the display mode selected, and, of course, its frequency of use. Each time it is switched on or off, the LED panel directly displays the percentage of remaining autonomy. So we always know where we are.

Different rear displays offered by the Matrix helmet.
Different rear displays offered by the Matrix helmet. – LUMOS

Used several times over ten days for short urban journeys, Matrix still had 40% of autonomy at the time of completing this article.

Above all, its use really gave us a feeling of increased security. We were amazed at the great visibility offered by the product during the day. And at night, we only saw us in the street! However, the integrated turn signal system does not exclude, in our opinion, traditional gestures, such as reaching out to indicate where you are turning. You can never be too careful. And we will only regret the absence of a storage bag once arrived at destination.

The use of the helmet does not exclude safety gestures.
The use of the helmet does not exclude safety gestures. – LUMOS

“When we started to canvass the dealers, they found this gadget headset. But we are seeing that it is now very popular, especially in large cities, ”says Athénaïs De Limè, the founder of BeMojoo. Sold for 250 euros, Matrix is ​​the premium helmet of the Lumos brand that it distributes and which offers urban or sports helmets of this type with more or less advanced functions from 99 euros. Other competing models, such as the helmet Faro come onto the market. A strong sign, if it was needed, that cycling in France has definitely changed gear.

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