This disinfectant lamp kills 99% of viruses in the air … even Covid-19

What if that was the cure for Covid-19? A very simple lamp that looks like a neon? As the epidemic continues to escalate, despite vaccines and health protocols, the simplest solution may well be the best. The one that France is presenting today at CES in Las Vegas: the
LOD (for Light Of Disinfection), a lamp that decontaminates the air, just by flipping the switch. Tests have shown that it eradicated in twenty minutes all the viruses present in a room … including the one that has poisoned our lives for almost two years.

This bright idea arose from the visionary spirit of Olivier Moyen, president of I Light You, a lighting company based in Dardilly (Rhône). During the first confinement, this biologic engineer by training reflected on this new virus of which nothing was yet known. “However, in cell biology, we learn how to disinfect viruses,” he explains, “and the method for drinking water is disinfection with UV-C. This system was already working in the surgical units, but it was necessary to leave the room to avoid the risk of cataracts. “So we reopened the factory, and with my collaborators we produced lamps that illuminate… by disinfecting the air. “

International clients

How it works ? The LOD, calibrated according to the area of ​​the room, sucks in the air that passes through a tunnel armed with UV-C. Viruses and bacteria are destroyed in the process, then the air is expelled into the room, disinfected. It can be installed like any other lamp, does not need a filter, costs 700 euros, is made in France and individuals can order it on the site It’s that simple, and it can change the world.

In barely a year, the LOD is tearing itself apart all over the world. Everywhere… except in metropolitan France. Olivier Moyen fulminates at the non-responsiveness of the French government, while “our solution is approved by the Belgian government, we sell it in the Czech Republic, in New Caledonia. We have equipped nursing homes, clinics, the Clairefontaine training center, soon the Davos forum and the World Cup in Qatar… We are working with the Madrid city hall to equip the buses, and with the New York city hall to equip schools! “

95% of contamination is through the air

The CES in Las Vegas, in the United States, therefore represents “a tremendous springboard” for the industrialist, “because in France, we say to ourselves that it is free to fall ill, while in the United States, where an hour in the hospital costs 3,000 dollars, we take our health seriously ”. He insists on the obligation to protect citizens before any business consideration. “We have equipped schools for free, because we have convictions. Because the key is the children, who cannot be asked to wear the mask all the time, ”he insists.

Our dossier on CES in Las Vegas

“This solution is accessible to everyone, simple to use, silent, efficient and safe, it has been scientifically proven”, summarizes Olivier Moyen, who reminds that 95% of contamination is caused by the air we breathe in, 5 % only by the surfaces we touch. The hydroalcoholic gel remedies the latter case. But for the air? Just turn on the right light. That of the LOD, already one of the most important French inventions.

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