This competition is “even better than I imagined”, confides Miss Languedoc

Her first name, Cameron Vallière, comes from American actress Cameron Diaz, whom her parents adored when she was born 23 years ago. And if, Saturday, it was Cameron at all costs? This Nîmoise, a Master’s student, will represent Languedoc, in the Miss France 2023 competition, on TF1. This sportswoman, passionate about fashion and entrepreneur, has thrown herself body and soul into the adventure, since she donned the regional scarf, on August 5, in Beaucaire (Gard). Miss Languedoc confided in 20 minutesa few hours before the show.

Miss France, is it as you imagined?

It’s even better than I imagined! I thought I was tired, sometimes a little depressed. Former misses had told me about an adventure that was difficult to manage, emotionally. Finally, all is well! I’m enjoying it 1,000%, I’m very happy with my adventure.

You are the favorite of Delphine Wespiser, Miss France 2012!

I saw ! She is adorable. Diane Leyre [Miss France 2022] who knows her, told me that we looked a bit alike. Maybe that’s why she likes me, I don’t know! (Laughs).

You are also among the favorite candidates. Does it add a little stress?

No, it’s the opposite ! I am very happy. It gives me even more niaque!

How did you end up in the Miss France competition?

In 2019, Lola Brengues, who was then Miss Languedoc-Roussillon, came to pick me up. I had, for her, the profile to integrate the competition. The regional committee contacted me, I participated in the election, and I finished first runner-up to Miss Languedoc-Roussillon. And this year, I was called back. I hesitated at first. I said to myself: “Am I trying again? I don’t hold back? Because, in the meantime, I created my own company, I joined a Master’s… Linking the three seemed a bit complicated to me. In the end, I was able to manage my time well. I accepted. And I was elected Miss Languedoc-Roussillon.

Miss Languedoc, during the general culture test, in Guadeloupe. – Laurent VU / SIPA

What is this business you created?

It’s called Alba Paris, and it’s a company that makes organic cosmetics, based on donkey’s milk. I am self-employed. Everything is ready, the products are just waiting to be launched, but first, of course, I’m waiting for the result of Miss France.

No matter what, your brand will get big exposure…

Yes of course. In the best case, I become Miss France, and if not, I would have acquired tremendous visibility anyway, especially on social networks.

Your brand will be an organic brand. Is it a way of life for you? You are also a fan of second-hand shopping.

Yes ! I have a Master’s degree in social and environmental psychology, it made me very aware of this cause. The objective was to try to find ways to change mentalities, and that we finally take ecology into account. It’s very complicated because, unfortunately, very often, it’s a cause that pisses people off. My Masters encouraged me to adopt a slightly different way of life. And I buy, in particular, indeed, a lot of second-hand clothes. I won, last year, a start-up challenge, which consisted in communicating around a club of exchanges of clothes, in Nîmes, Eveeko. It interested me a lot, I joined the club. Otherwise, of course, I buy a lot on Vinted, and I exchange clothes with girlfriends.

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