Third-person effect: the seductibility of others – knowledge


Sebastian Herrmann

What exactly is the problem? What a question! The other people, of course, that’s clear. The other people believe the wrong things, hold the wrong opinions, say the wrong things, and in doing so, put the whole place in a dangerously awkward position. But in rare moments of mildness, a kind of understanding overwhelms you: what can you do, these poor sheep are just easy to seduce. They are led by the nose into the darkness of ignorance by vile actors on the Internet or badly partisan media. Stop, stop, enough cynicism. Of course, all of this was exaggerated, but there is some, well, truth in the lines: people tend to think of themselves as largely immune to attempts at persuasion and media influence, while they like to assume that their fellow human beings are particularly vulnerable in these areas.

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