Third Culture Kids feel like they belong to multiple cultures – are you one?

They speak many languages, are global nomads – now the “Third Culture Kids” are conquering social media. Three of them report on the challenges – and why the name is needed.

The young woman walks next to the cell phone camera and says: “We are TCKs – we speak three languages, but can’t spell any of them.” Her little brother continues: “I speak Arabic fluently, but hardly anyone knows that.” Big Sister: “My current address? I’ll come back to it later.”

In her Instagram video Christina Haselden, 23, and her brother talk about what life is like as a TCK, as a so-called “third culture kid”. In German: third culture child. Someone who grows up in different countries and develops a mishmash of these influences, their own third culture in which they feel at home.

Who is one of the “Third Culture Kids”?

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