Thibaud’s relatives express their emotion after his death in the fire in Wintzenheim

Thibaud Roth was 33 years old and grew up in Tomblaine (Meurthe-et-Moselle). This guide is one of the eleven victims of the fire at the gîte in Wintzenheim (Alsace) which broke out on the night of August 9. Ten vacationers aged 23 to 50 and with disabilities had also lost their lives.

His funeral took place this Monday at 3:30 p.m. in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, in the omnicult room of the crematorium. His mother Camille and his brother Simon testified at the microphone of RMC.

“I fight for him to be known and recognized and not ignored”, explains Camille, his mother

When Thibaud’s mother learned of her son’s death, she imagined him dying as a hero: “For me, he tried to save as many people as possible. It’s in his nature to protect others” describes- she at the microphone RMC, “He had a crazy charisma”.

According to Simon, his brother, the latter was also deeply passionate about his job. “He told us that he was super happy to go to the lodge with disabled people. It did him a world of good to be there for the others”.

If the investigation has not yet determined the exact origin of the fire, it quickly became apparent that the building which housed the group was not up to safety standards to accommodate the public. Since the tragedy, checks have multiplied and two lodgings which accommodated holidaymakers with disabilities were evacuated near Besançon (Haute-Saône) for security reasons.

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