“They soiled my daughter…” Reprieve for three men tried for the sexual assault of the teenager

At the juvenile court in Senlis,

On the benches of the defendants as on those of the civil parties, all remained stoic when hearing, this Tuesday morning, the president of the children’s court of Senlis, in the Oise, to render her judgment. Three of the four young men – minors at the time – tried for sexual assault and violence in a meeting committed in August 2017 were sentenced to suspended sentences of up to one year in prison. But the victim, Shaïna, then barely 13 years old, was not present to hear this decision. Two years after the events, the teenager was stabbed and then burned alive in a small shed in Creil, 500 meters from her home. The respondent, her new boyfriend, will appear later. The fourth defendant was released, “the materiality of the facts” could not be established, said the magistrate.

“I am not 100% satisfied, says the serious mine, the shining eyes, Shakill Hansye, the father of Shaïna, at the exit of the courtroom. They have been sentenced but the sentences are so low, they will be able to carry on with their lives as if nothing had happened. I know very well that they are minors and that this must be taken into account, but they have soiled my daughter. The heaviest sentence, a one-year suspended prison sentence, was pronounced against her former boyfriend, Ahmed *, 14 years old at the time of the events. The young man, pale complexion, hair held back in a short ponytail, black down jacket and jogging, is described as the “leader”.

According to the complaint filed by the teenager, the latter lured her into an abandoned hospital, threatening to reveal naked photos of her. On the spot, he demands sex. While she refuses, two other teenagers arrive and participate in the violence. According to her story, they hold her down, undress her, make her undergo digital penetration and then with a tube of Labello. Initially indicted for gang rape, the defendants were finally dismissed for sexual assault.

“I am satisfied that the truth has finally been restored”

Despite the broadcast during the hearing of a video showing Shaïna, partially naked, trying to hide her sex under insults and blows, the defendants continued to deny, claiming on the contrary to have rejected the advances of the young lady. “Shaïna dragged on for two years and even after her death a reputation as a liar, I am satisfied that the truth has finally been restored, confides Me Negar Haeri, the family lawyer. But I am furious that it is still difficult to believe her, that we denounce the fluctuations in her speech, without taking into account the mechanisms of amazement when she has always been constant on the essentials. “The court has indeed put forward the” fluctuating statements “of the teenager as well as the psychological expertise to explain the release of the fourth defendant, tried for an attack which occurred a few days before that of the hospital.

The prosecution had requested against the young man as against Ahmed, two years in prison, including twelve months firm. The public prosecutor also claimed fifteen months, nine of which were firm for the two accomplices, who were finally sentenced to an eight-month suspended sentence. Sentences that the court justified by the young age of the defendants and the fact that none had a criminal record. They faced up to three and a half years in prison. “We were not as heard as we would have liked to be,” insists Yasin Hansye, the victim’s older brother. This sentence puts an end to the rumors but these individuals left without being afraid when there was evidence, that they contradicted themselves a lot…”

“Shaina didn’t lie”

If the respondents and the prosecution have ten days to appeal, the eyes of Shaina’s relatives are already turned towards the next legal deadlines. Ahmed is implicated in a second procedure, still under investigation: he is suspected of having beaten the teenager in May 2019, five months before her murder, in particular because she had “dared” to file a complaint. . “This trial is a first step, but the line of sight remains that of his assassination,” insists his father. Shortly after the discovery of the teenager’s body, in October 2019, Driss *, then 17 years old, was indicted and remanded in custody.

As in the other two cases, he never ceased to deny the facts. One of his friends, however, told investigators that he had confided in the evening of the murder. “I smoked it…”, he would have declared, the sneakers stained with blood. The decision concerning his referral to an assize court for minors should be known later this month. “These cases being linked to each other, even if they are legally distinct, the fact that we recognize that Shaïna did not lie, that she was constant is a very important element for us for the future”, insists the family lawyer.

*Name has been changed

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