They offer themselves a crazy descent on the snow covered with sand of the Sahara

On Tuesday, snow sports enthusiasts were able to discover the snow-covered slopes covered with a thin orange film. This sand from the Sahara was transported by the winds, coming from the north of Morocco affected by a depression. A phenomenon that is not rare, but always remains impressive when it covers the white gold of the Pyrenees.

Too good an opportunity for renowned riders to treat themselves to a great descent at the Piau-Engaly station, in the Hautes-Pyrenees. This is what two snowboarders did, the freestyle windsurfing champion from Leucate, Sam Esteveand David Expert ofIn pow we trustwhich regularly hosts the Piau resort and promotes extreme sports, such as wingsnow, in its videos.

They have thus left their mark in the powder which has become ocher. An influx of desert particles which should be repeated over the next few hours according to the Air Quality Observatory, Atmo Occitanie.

This phenomenon, called “dust” in meteorology, leads in the Hautes-Pyrénées, this Wednesday, “an episode of PM10 particle pollution”. The air quality index should be poor there, and it should also deteriorate in the departments of Ariège and Pyrénées-Orientales due to particle concentrations.

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