They invent Kojo, an eco-responsible construction game made in France

Charlotte, Morgan and Jimmy in front of a green construction game. – Kojo

  • Three friends from the Pays-de-la-Loire region will put a large construction game (Kojo) on the Ulule platform on Friday.
  • This game, for children from 4 years old, is made in France and eco-responsible.

There are the Lego and the Kaplas there may soon be the Kojo … Three friends, from the three corners of the Pays-de-la-Loire region, have just launched an XXL construction game (for children from 4 years) made in France, made up of wooden plates and clips in recycled bioplastic. Its name: Kojo, “factory” in Japanese.

In the company of the same name, the roles are perfectly distributed. Charlotte Coutand, 34, is in charge of sales and finances in Rezé. Morgan Sotter, 35, manages the communication and marketing side of Saint-Nazaire. And Jimmy Lefort, in La Roche-sur-Yon in Vendée, who works in engineering, imagined the games. From Friday, on the Ulule platform, three products will be on presale: a Flemish house at 50 euros, an oriental palace at 75 euros and a free game at 90 euros. “From 100 pre-orders, we can start production,” says Jimmy Lefort.

A product made in France and eco-responsible

Kojo’s birth dates back to three years ago. A few days away from going to a trade fair “to present his job and find clients”, the engineer from Vendée is designing “a sculpture with his business cards and pliers”. History to show “its know-how”. One of his two daughters really liked the game. “I was like, ‘Why not make a construction game out of this?’ Jimmy replaces business cards with wooden plaques and plastic clips. He talks about it to his two friends. “Over the aperitifs”, the project took shape until the creation of the company a year ago. “This is our first project together. Alone, I would not have done it, ”insists the Vendéen.

A game for children from the age of 4. – Kojo

At the start of the year, it is he who builds the prototypes, which are then tested by children. Changes are made based on comments. One thing does not change: “We want an eco-responsible product and made in France. ” Made in local even. “The bio-plastic pliers of plant origin come from a subcontractor in Divatte-sur-Loire, the plates [du contreplaqué de peuplier] are printed and cut in Rennes, the packaging boxes from Nantes, the pouches made from fabric scraps from Maulévrier (Maine-et-Loire), the designer is from Nantes and the graphic designer from Batz-sur-Mer ”, details Jimmy. The interest of this XXL construction game? “Encourage and develop children’s creativity while respecting the environment,” he concludes.

A little girl in front of one of the Kojo construction sets.
A little girl in front of one of the Kojo construction sets. – Kojo

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