They are determined to have their love accepted, in Barbès and elsewhere.

It is already not easy to fall in love for the first time. So falling in love with a girl when you are a girl, moreover of North African origin, in the Parisian district of Barbès, this further complicates the life of the heroine of besta first film discovered at the Angoulême Festival.

The idea for the film was born during the demonstrations on the Marriage for all », explains director Marion Desseigne-Ravel. Teenagers in the neighborhood took me to task on the question of homosexuality. I told them that I was in a relationship with a woman, which opened up a space for dialogue between us. She borrows from the codes of the western with its questions of territory – roof of a refuge building, square or bench – to build a tender love story in the face of a disgusting lesbophobia.

An accomplice duo for the freedom to love

Lina El Arabi (discovered in Wedding by Stephan Streker) and debutante Esther Bernet-Rollande, stunning, win the hearts of the spectator thanks to complementary performances. We are quick to let ourselves be carried away by this accomplice duo whose relationship we want to see triumph over all discrimination and all communitarianism. These young girls who learn to be free and to accept themselves as they are bring something invigorating. We are easily won over by their desire to live against all odds.

Best will interest not only young city-dwellers, but also adults of all genders and all origins. Marion Desseigne-Ravel reveals the beautiful nature of a filmmaker with a look that is as acute as it is generous. Looking forward to the rest of his filmography!

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