These candidates travel to the “jungle camp” – media

The best news first: dr Bob is there again in the 16th season of “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!”. This ensures that the twelve candidates receive professional medical care if they have to consume potentially poisonous jungle plants or if they are threatened with circulatory collapse under the Australian sun.

RTL has now announced who will fight for survival in the jungle in 2023, well, for the title “Jungle Queen” or “Jungle King”. These are: Verena Kerth (radio presenter and once a friend of Oliver Kahn), Cecilia Asoro (once a candidate for “Bachelor”), Claudia Effenberg (designer and former wife Stefan Effenberg), Cosimo Citiolo – self-proclaimed “Checker vom Neckar”, what , right, what has to do with Stuttgart. Lucas Cordalis is also there, son of Costa Cordalis and thus in a way natural heir to the throne, since the father became king of the jungle in 2004, make-up influencer Jolina Mennen, model Tessa Bergmeier and actress Jana Pallaske. Reality star Gigi Birofio is there, multiple contestant on “Ex on the Beach” and “Temptation Island VIP” and Papis Loveday, international top model.

Actor Martin Semmelrogge, most recently as the villain in “Passion”, is there

Singer Markus Mörl, former NDW star “Markus”, known for “I want fun” and “Burning a small flashlight”, is performing from times long past. The biggest celebrity this time is actor Martin Semmelrogge. He is known for all sorts of things beyond acting, but most recently appeared as the villain Barabbas in RTL’s very idiosyncratic and disturbing version of the Easter story, “The Passion”.

This time the jungle tests will be completed in Australia again, after the pandemic the show was filmed in Germany in 2021 and then in South Africa in 2022. In 2022, the model Janina Youssefian became after racist insults sent home earlyin the end, reality personality won Filip Pavlovic. In addition to Sonja Zietlow, Jan Köppen will lead through the show for the first time in 2023, taking over from Daniel Hartwich. “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!” begins on January 13, 2023, the king or queen will be crowned on January 30, 2023.

“I’m a star – get me out of here!”, Friday, January 13, at 9:30 p.m., RTL

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