These audio book bestsellers stay in your head

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These five bestselling audiobooks will stick in your head

At home, in the car or on the go: you can enjoy audio books anywhere

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There are so many books that we still want to read but don’t find time for. Audio books are a sensible alternative for on the go. We present five exciting bestsellers.

Be honest: When was the last time you read a book to the end? In a fast-moving society like ours, there is hardly any (free) time to study the latest works of our favorite authors. If you can’t find a free minute to read, but don’t want to miss out on enjoying good fiction, audio books are an equivalent substitute. We can recommend these bestsellers to you.

Saving tip until April 14, 2020: Pay only 2.95 euros (instead of the regular 9.95 euros) per month for the first three months of an Audible subscription at Amazon. Here is the action.

1. “The Kangaroo Apocrypha” by Marc-Uwe Kling

If you’ve already devoured The Kangaroo Chronicles, you’re sure to expect a sequel in The Kangaroo Apocrypha. But appearances are deceptive: Even if this audio book is to be understood as a kind of encore by Marc-Uwe Kling, in which the dynamic duo should not be missing, this time the content revolves around the lesser-known escapades. In addition to stories from anthologies and live programs, a secret compartment awaits you – filled with funny anecdotes.
The audio book is available here.

2. “The Boy Needs Some Fresh Air: My Childhood and I” by Hape Kerkeling

He’s not just an entertainer, singer and comedian: Hape Kerkeling already proved with his Pilgrim blockbuster “I’m Gone” that he can captivate people with personal testimonials. In his new work, he takes the reader on a journey into his past – to be more precise, little Hans-Peter reports in a refreshing way about his childhood in the pot: from Düsseldorf to Mozambique to the holy garden of Gethsemane. The best part is: Hape Kerkeling is not only the author, but also the narrator of the audio book. You can find the audio book here.

3. “Auris” by Sebastian Fitzek

Do you like to be scared? Then you’d better buckle up: he once put dangerous criminals behind bars, now he’s in solitary confinement himself. Matthias Hegel is intelligent above average – for this reason, true crime blogger Jula Ansorge cannot believe that the forensic phonetician committed a murder and then confessed to it. Without accepting any form of defense. She investigates on her own and gets a game of madness rolling.
You can get the audio book here.

4. “The Cafe on the Edge of the World” by John Strelecky

An audio book to think about: Three questions on a menu that make John, who is usually in a hurry, stop in a small café. “Why are you here? Are you afraid of death? Do you lead a fulfilled life?” – however strange the situation, the advertising manager tries to find answers together with the chef, the waitress and a guest. In search of the meaning of life, John changes and somehow finds himself. At least that’s what he thinks.
The audio book is available here.

5. “It usually turns out differently when you think” by Petra Hülsmann

A tearjerker for in between: Disappointed with love, Nele just wants to concentrate on her new job in a Hamburg PR agency. Hoping that her work on the image campaign for the politician Rüdiger Hofmann-Klasing would change her mind, she takes a liking to her boss Claas and on top of that has to take care of her little brother’s plans to move, who has Down’s syndrome and his wants to convince worried parents – with the help of his sister. The (love) chaos catches up with Nele again.
You can find the audio book here.

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