These are the ten best nuts and seeds for your brain and nerves

Nuts are real powerhouses, they contain little water, but a lot of healthy fat, carbohydrates and fiber. In addition – depending on the variety – there are minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Three of the most important: protein, iron and omega-3 fatty acids. So your reputation for being healthy is no coincidence.

According to various studies, they are supposed to have anti-inflammatory effects, prevent cancer, lower cholesterol and have a positive effect on blood pressure. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) writes that the consumption of nuts and almonds probably lowers the risk of coronary heart disease.

Nuts are ideal power foods

How healthy they are, however, also depends on which nut and which seed you use. In the cookbook “Because it’s just healthier: Over 70 ingenious gourmet recipes from breakfast to dinner”, star chef Alexander Herrmann has put the best foods for him in top ten lists. Because, as he writes, “our diet has a decisive influence on our health, our well-being and also on our psyche”.

Whether vegetables, fruit, herbs, spices, fats, grains or nuts – he is always enthusiastic about the vital substances in these foods and how they help keep the heart, brain, bones, joints and intestines healthy. In the photo gallery above, you can read which ten nuts and seeds have earned a permanent place in the menu according to Alexander Herrmann.


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