These are the points of contention in citizen money – economy

Heating costs, rent, assets – the planned support for the unemployed contains questionable regulations. Experts warn of injustices, the FDP demands changes.


Roland Preuss

The welfare state should show a friendlier face, the long-term unemployed should have less pressure but more attractive offers. And the descent into subsistence life is meant to be slower – with more diversions back up. The traffic light coalition in Berlin attaches high demands to the planned citizens’ allowance. The draft law by Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) is currently going through the parliamentary mills, and the coalition wants to get it through the Bundestag and Bundesrat in November. But the great social reform contains some critical points. There are numerous amendments from the SPD, FDP and Greens, according to faction circles. Planned rules could lead to new injustices. They are already leading to conflicts between the partners – and are likely to encounter resistance from the Union in the Bundesrat. The hottest points.

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