These are the differences between FFP2 and KN95 masks – SWR Aktuell

People from Rhineland-Palatinate who want to go to Bavaria during the Christmas vacation may be surprised: There is still an FFP2 mask requirement in public transport and in retail – but KN95 masks are also permitted. But what are the differences?

Wherever you want to go – before you leave the house, the following is checked: keys, wallet, cell phone and mask! In Rhineland-Palatinate, it makes no difference whether you use a medical mask, also known as a surgical mask, or an FFP2 mask. In the other federal states this is partly regulated differently. In Bavaria For example, if you want to go shopping or use local public transport, you need an FFP2 mask or KN95 or N95.

What is a KN95 or N95 mask?

The masks have been certified in non-EU countries: A KN95 corresponds to Chinese standards, an N95 to American standards. Both masks meet similar standards as the FFP2 mask, which undergoes a test procedure standardized in the EU. The manufacturer 3M released one in February 2021 Comparative study create. This proved that the masks each pass through comparable, but not identical, certification and approval requirements.

KN95 masks are certified according to Chinese standards, but are comparable to FFP2 masks.

picture alliance / Zoonar | JIRI HERA

The the most important differences are summarized

The filter effectiveness is particularly important for masks, i.e. what percentage of the particles are filtered when inhaling and exhaling. The KN95 and N95 even produce minimally better values ​​of around 95 percent than the FFP2 with around 94 percent. During certification, FFP masks are also tested with oil-based substances – but these are irrelevant in the fight against the corona pandemic. The only important thing is the effectiveness of the masks with water-based substances, as the virus is transmitted via saliva and mucus. Another difference is that the resistance when breathing in is lowest with an FFP2 mask, but highest when breathing out. This increases the wearing comfort.

In addition to the protection that masks offer – and the protection offered by the three different masks is comparable – it is important that they are used correctly. The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices writes: “The mask must fit well and sit over the mouth, nose and cheeks. The edges of the mask should fit tightly and not allow any air currents past the mask. An FFP mask can only achieve its full filter performance then if it is tight. “

how so do we have American or Chinese masks?

In contrast to the surgical masks, FFP2 masks are used for both internal and external protection, provided they have no valve and are tightly fitted. Therefore, the demand for FFP2 masks grew steadily in the course of 2020 – delivery problems arose. As part of this, a simplified assessment procedure for masks from abroad was introduced in June 2020.

As the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (baua) writes, “mainly filtering half-masks – mostly from China according to the Chinese standard GB 2626 and the designation KN95 – were tested for use in health care.” These masks were then allowed to be sold in Germany after successful testing. However, they had to be marked as coronavirus pandemic respirators “CPA” or as “pandemic respiratory protection mask”. This special regulation expired on September 30th, 2020 that there are still remaining stocks, but cannot be ruled out.

Of what do I recognize a tested mask?

The market for masks is big – you often need new ones. This is why there are many dubious products on the market. In the Database “Dangerous Products in Germany” At baua you will find an overview of the masks that do not meet the standards and therefore do not offer the protection that they promise. You can also check for yourself whether the mask you want to buy is an approved product. To do this, you have to match the printed text on the mask.

A graphic explains which identifications a correct FFP2 or KN95 mask must have.  (Photo: picture-alliance / Reportdienste, picture alliance / dpa / dpa graphic | dpa-infografik GmbH)

This is how you can check whether you have an approved mask.

picture alliance / dpa / dpa graphic | dpa-infografik GmbH

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