These 3 foods are pure poison for dogs!

What can dogs eat?

The metabolism of dogs is fundamentally different from our human. What gets us and does not cause any problems can sometimes pose a major health risk for dogs. Dogs are even so sensitive to some foods that they can be life-threatening. “The dose makes the poison” also applies to dogs, but even relatively small amounts of certain foods can cause severe discomfort and symptoms of poisoning. If dogs have eaten food that is indigestible or even toxic to them, one or more of these symptoms usually become noticeable:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Tremble
  • aggression
  • dizzy spells
  • extremely strong salivation
  • blood in the stool

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These 3 foods are toxic to dogs!

  • onions: For us humans, onions are harmless and give many of our favorite dishes the right pizzazz. Onions are highly toxic to dogs. Onion’s sulphurous compounds can wreak havoc on the dog’s body and destroy red blood cells. Blood in the urine, dizzy spells and even toxic shock with fatal consequences are to be feared. As little as five grams of onions per kilogram of body weight can cause serious poisoning for dogs. For particularly small and light dog breeds, even small amounts of onions can be dangerous. By the way, ingredients containing sulfur are also found in garlic, leek, wild garlic or chives.
  • Raw Pork: The Aujeszky virus belongs to the herpesvirus family, the natural host of which is the pig. However, the virus can also spread to other mammals, where it causes deadly infections. If dogs eat contaminated pork, they quickly develop brain and spinal cord infections. Nervous disorders, severe itching and aggressive fits of rage occur. Aujeszky’s disease is always fatal in dogs. It is also called pseudo rage. While raw pork is not per se toxic or unpalatable to dogs, it should be strictly off-limits due to the danger of highly contagious, deadly pseudo-rage.
  • stone fruit: It is not the pulp of peaches, apricots, cherries etc. that are poisonous to dogs, but the pits of the fruit. These contain a lot of hydrocyanic acid, which can cause acute poisoning in dogs. If a dog grabs a plum and chews the pit, it can cause severe poisoning. But even if they are not chewed, stone fruit pits are very dangerous for the health of dogs. The sharp edges can damage the esophagus or intestines. If internal injuries and bleeding occur, there is a risk of death. Fruit stones can also lead to an intestinal obstruction.

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