There will be much more than series around the Series mania festival

We haven’t even had time to recover from the 2021 edition of Series mania before the next opus is on the horizon. The international series festival, which is held in Lille, will indeed take place from March 18 to 25 in a “normal” version, meaning unpolluted by the coronavirus epidemic. 20 minutes has already made the rounds of the programming, unveiled in large part this Thursday by the organization. However, this event is not limited to screenings in cinemas and promises many other activities.

The mayor of Lille, Martine Aubry, announced that the Series mania village would be able to resume its quarters at the Postal Tri: “That way, you can make more noise since there are fewer residents”. And that’s good, because that’s exactly what the organizers intend to do with, in particular, the return of “evenings”. For the opening, “The Wire”, nothing less than DJ Cut Killer will host the evening, followed by Tim, Lazy Flow and Dirty Berlin, on Friday March 18 from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Three other evenings will follow, on March 19, 24 and 25.

Evenings, dedications, entertainment

It is also at the Tri Postal that the “fan-club” will be installed, the place where visitors can meet the actors and directors of their favorite series. The teams of “En famille” and “Skam” have already been announced. No specific date has yet been announced. For the more literary, dedications by authors such as Michel Bussi, Joël Dicker or Niko Tackian are planned.

Apart from being groupies, visitors will also have the opportunity to take part in an escape game, to wander through the immersive sets of “Game of Thrones”, “Stalk”, “Attack on Titans” and “Mentalist”, to attend a cosplay contest or enjoy exhibitions on the themes of “A Nanny” and “The Wire”. The organization will also offer workshops for children, between 8 and 16 years old, free on reservation. Among other things, they will be introduced to the script, screen printing, diorama, storyboard, dubbing, casting…

Outside the walls

Series mania will also take its ease outside the postal sorting. Starting with the bars The last bar before the end of the world, La luck, KaraFun bar, Aux briques, Uno’s bar and Le Level. On March 22, from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., the establishments will offer blind tests, quizzes, karaoke, tournaments. The next day, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., a big lottery will be held at the Bistrot de St-So with “series gifts” to be won.

As in Avignon, Séries mania also has its off festival which will take place upstream of the official programming, from February 18. The events will be relocated to several municipalities in the region: Lens, Dunkirk, Wallers, Saint-Quentin, Amiens and Tourcoing. The program is already available on the Series mania website.

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