There was no act of cannibalism

The teenager found beheaded and dismembered in Tarascon, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, last Sunday was not the victim of cannibalism. “Any act of anthropophagy is excluded,” announced the prosecution Thursday, confirming that the victim was indeed a young neighbor of 13 years.

“The genetic expertise concluded that the victim’s DNA was absent in the gastric bowl of the alleged perpetrator” of the murder, killed by a police officer about three hours after the discovery of the tragedy, insisted Laurent Gumbau, the prosecutor of the Republic of Tarascon, contrary to what the police initially indicated.

At the same time, these genetic expertises confirmed that the victim was indeed the 13-year-old teenager whose disappearance had been reported by his mother in Tarascon. This one had presented to the police station of the city Sunday evening, accompanied by a young man who had explained “to have carried out housework at a man and to have seen the shape of a body in a bag-trash, in the bathroom ”, had explained the parquet floor in a previous press release Tuesday.

“Significant attacks on the integrity of the corpse”, but neither rape nor necrophilia

The analyzes carried out by the forensic hematology laboratory in Bordeaux also revealed “significant damage to the integrity of the corpse,” said Laurent Gumbau on Thursday. In addition, the investigations “do not allow us to retain the hypothesis of a consensual or imposed sexual relationship between the victim and the presumed perpetrator of the facts in the time surrounding the homicide, whether before or after”, a he added.

“DNA analyzes have, however, made it possible to strengthen the link between the corpse and the alleged perpetrator,” added Laurent Gumbau, proof of “contact” having been established. At the scene, Sunday around 11:30 pm, the police had discovered a body “decapitated having undergone post-mortem mutilation”. The state of the body, already in rotting, the death having taken place on Friday, had not allowed a certain visual identification.

The murderer killed by a policeman who tried to stop him

After fleeing through the roofs, the alleged perpetrator, the tenant of the apartment, a 32-year-old man known for psychiatric disorders and already twice convicted of armed violence, was killed. around 3 am Monday in Tarascon by a police officer who tried to stop him. Hit by a bullet, he succumbed to his injuries.

At the end of the two autopsies, Friday, the prosecutor’s office of Tarascon will relinquish jurisdiction in favor of that of Aix-en-Provence which should open a judicial investigation for intentional homicide. The investigation into the death of the teenager was entrusted to the judicial police, that of the death of his presumed murderer is carried out by the IGPN, the police force.

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