“There is still work”, Pablo Longoria takes stock of the start of the season, and the transfer window

He came to do the job, a few hours before the decision of the disciplinary committee of the LFP after the bottle throwing at Lyon – Marseille. Pablo Longoria gave a long interview to The team, just to respond to the offensive communication of Jean-Michel Aulas. The president of OM also took the opportunity to draw a first assessment of the start of the season for his club.

“We must always balance between the demand for results, which is high, because we are OM, and indulgence for a team that is still under construction and young. One of the youngest in Europe. We are a team built to be in control of the game, not to play transition football. Right now, it’s true, we lack offensive efficiency. Because we are not a team built to play physical in a Championship which is it, “he says as explanations for the ups and downs in Ligue 1.

“No longer an artistic director when you play every three days”

Youth, one of the explanations for the campaign ultimately failed in the Europa League, even if OM will fully play their qualification for the Europa League Conference on Thursday against Lokomotiv Moscow. “The slightest mistake is heavily penalized. With our youth, it became even more pronounced. The scenario in Moscow (September 1-1, 16) determines what follows. At OM, we have to play all the competitions as much as possible, that’s the club’s DNA, ”he warns.

And to play all competitions, OM must be able to count on a great Milik, who has only scored one goal in the league since returning from injury. But you have to be patient. “The question is rather: how to find the true level of Milik? The coach is more of an artistic director when you play every three days. It is difficult, at this time, to create individual associations between different players, ”he said.

“Finding economic resources to improve the workforce”

And to fill the gaps in its workforce, Pablo Longoria is already planning on the winter transfer window. It is with a broad smile that he approaches this period. “Ah, I really like the transfer window”. “By January, I have to find economic resources to improve the workforce, with the assets I have on the team. It can mean selling players and using the money wisely. I consider that we have already improved a lot of things last summer, but there is still work. The team is young, it can lack leadership in different positions on some important games. We have a very clear strategy, a workforce of 21 versatile players. Rather, we have been looking for different profiles for a few months in this winter transfer window, ”he targets.

Guendouzi and Ünder will remain Olympians next season, in case of maintenance, Pau Lopez must play 20 games with him. The side Jordan Amavi, could, on the contrary, leave from the next winter transfer window.

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