“There is no problem with Charlotte de Turckheim”, reveals Juju Fitcats after her victory

The last round table delivered its verdict and the loyal ones miss the victory for the second consecutive year. “I am a traitor and I am sorry”, confessed Juju Fitcats, who won this season 2 of the M6 ​​game by reaching the final trio without Nathalie Marquay-Pernaut and Gennifer Demey ever suspecting that she was not “loyal “. The YouTuber went through this evening with great aplomb, whether explaining to a jury made up of former eliminated candidates – including her fiancé Tibo InShape – why she was not “traitor”, or by diverting suspicions about his “ally” Andy at a strategic moment. Justine Becattini, her real name, leaves with a pot of 44,000 euros, which she shares with her “family of traitors”: Norbert Tarayre and Charlotte de Turckheim. The winnings are therefore divided between the following associations: Les Amis du Bercail; Love, Love, Love; and Dreams. Juju Fitcats looks back on a victory that she still considers trying.

You cried a lot for someone who won. Your victory seems to have been complicated to accept, right?

It’s very hard to win by being a “traitor” because the words are much heavier to bear than we imagine. Throughout the game, I held on thinking about my association, but when the victory came, everything was forgotten. We tell ourselves that we have won but that we are a “traitor”, so that we do not deserve it. As a result, it’s very difficult to live with and it took me a lot of time, hindsight, discussions with other players, loved ones, and production to realize that it was positive.

What are you thinking when you reveal to Nathalie Marquay-Pernaut and Gennifer Demey that you are a traitor » ?

It doesn’t want to come out at first. I don’t know if it shows, but I have a hard time saying it. I see the joy of the girls who think the loyal ones have won. They announce their role before me and there I say to myself: “When I tell them, they will become disillusioned…”. At that moment, everything is mixed up: the fear of hurting Gen, with whom I am very close, the sadness of knowing that they are going to be disappointed… Then when I announce that I am a “traitor”, I think I’m a bad person and it wasn’t up to me to win. It’s a lot of mixed emotions. There are tears too because it is a release. I often thought of giving up during the game. Ten days of being a “traitor” is very heavy to bear.

Was it ten days of suffering in the end for you?

Honestly, it’s been a lot more hard times than happy because you can’t be fully yourself. When you are a “traitor”, you have to do things that don’t look like you, that you don’t do in everyday life, that are potentially against your principles and what you are. For me, it’s the worst role to play. I think that we can only be happy to have won this game if we are “loyal” and that we have been a good “loyal”, that is to say that we have not led somewhat tyrannical cabals towards other players. It’s very complicated.

From your point of view, what made you such a good traitor?

I don’t know why I was never asked to prove that I was “loyal”. I was granted a trust that I find it difficult to explain. People tell me that I was a strategist to get to the end but, in fact, nothing was defined. I played trying to adapt day by day to what was happening. I played my part a little by trying to cross-check the information that the “loyal ones” had on each other. They were so hard on each other, they had so many doubts about each other that in fact, it was almost them doing all the work eliminating themselves. I was more to support what I heard here and there to move forward. Above all, from the beginning, I had to eliminate my spouse. It was very complicated, I cried very sincerely because I was losing my strength in life. I took advantage of this by saying that I was losing my strength in the game. The tears flow because I’m angry with myself for betraying him and at the same time, I have no choice: it would have been unbearable to lie to him for ten days. These tears served me.

Didn’t it unsettle your fiancé, Tibo InShape, to see you covering up your loyalties so well?

For the record, when I revealed to Tibo that I was a “traitor” after the show, he himself was convinced that I was. Finally, he had been able to read me very quickly. It would have been dangerous to keep him in the game. He didn’t blame me at all in the sense that, from the beginning, we had promised each other that the game could not have an impact on our relationship.

Did you have the opportunity to explain yourself to Charlotte de Turckheim, whom you eliminated when she was traitor » like you ?

Yes of course ! The producer gave me his number right after the finale. I was able to call her the next day to tell her that I was sharing the jackpot with her and Norbert, which touched her enormously because Charlotte was very upset by the game. She was the player who came with the most hindsight of all of us, she was really the one who during the councils between “traitors” said to me: “But Juju, it’s just a game, don’t take things to heart like that”. In fact, she was really shaken up and more than she thought. It was very difficult for me to eliminate him. I had absolutely no choice because if I didn’t, given Andy’s insight, who I was very close to, I would have been eliminated the next day. Very sincerely, when you had to wear a role like the one I played throughout the game, you say to yourself “I can’t let go now, I have to go all the way”. At that point, I tell myself that I no longer have a choice. Charlotte, I can’t save her, everyone fried her. I was forced to turn against her and unfortunately be the “traitor of traitors”… So it was very important for me that she knew that if I abandoned her in the game, I wouldn’t I didn’t give up on the most important thing, namely the money we bring back to our associations. When I called her, she was very happy, very touched. Since then, we have been talking, I try every week to send him a little message. In any case, there is no problem with Charlotte on that side.

Did you review the other candidates as well?

Yes, I had formed a very solid trio with Andy and Gen, both in the game and in real life. We get on very well. With Andy, we both saw each other again with our respective spouses. I have already seen a large part of the players, several times. There is a very good understanding between us. Frankly, we were a very good group this year, everyone has a lot of perspective on the show.

With your spouse, Tibo InShape, you participated in the “Traitors”, in “Fort Boyard” as mystery jokers, in the “Grand Concours” of TF1. Does TV interest you beyond the role of simple guest?

Yes, TV is a universe that I really like. It takes me out of my comfort zone, of what I’m used to doing on my networks, of the community to which I speak. I’m the type to like challenges. So developing TV projects is something I might like.

You are going to get married in the summer of 2024 and, a few weeks ago, you shared on your social networks that you had found your wedding dress. Is it important for you to share your preparations with your community?

I only share what I want to share. There are a lot of things that I keep to myself. I talk about wedding dress fittings, I take a small photo in the place where I am but I don’t show the dress, nor the relatives who accompany me. I have always kept a fairly important part of intimacy. My loved ones don’t appear on my networks at all, yet I spend a lot of time with my family and friends. So I share without giving too much either because I think that’s what makes it possible to last in the long term.

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