There are no longer any trains between Savenay, Saint-Nazaire and Le Croisic

You will have to adapt your movements. Since Friday and until the evening of October 7, rail traffic is totally interrupted between Savenay and Le Croisic (Loire-Atlantique). Service to the stations of Donges, Montoir, Saint-Nazaire, Pornichet, La Baule, Le Pouliguen and Baz-sur-mer, all located on the line, is also suspended. About sixty trains, including TGVs, usually run on this axis every day.

Why this traffic stop? To allow “large-scale” works to be carried out relatively quickly to bypass sensitive industrial sites at Donges. The current railway line has the particularity of circulating at the foot of the refinery (Total), a liquefied petroleum gas filler (Antargaz) and a fuel storage facility (SFDM). The project consists, in particular, in creating 4.5 km of new railway line and connecting it to the network.

Buses instead of trains

The fifteen days of rail traffic interruption will also be used to carry out other work, such as the replacement of the rail bridge at Montoir-Trignac, the renewal of switches and crossings at Montoir-de-Bretagne, or the upgrading of service tracks at the Saint-Nazaire yard, explains SNCF Network.

During this time, a “adapted transport plan” is offered to travelers by means of coaches. Hours are changed. Info on the Aléop site in Pays-de-la-Loire.

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